WMH Transmissions Guarantees Operational Efficiency With Large Order Of Linear Guide Rails

WMH Transmissions Guarantees Operational Efficiency With Large Order Of Linear Guide Rails

The Situation

We recently supplied a manufacturer based in the medical industry with 50 HIWIN linear guide rails that needed to be cut, chamfered, and customised according to the customer's requirements. The WMH Transmissions team, located in a large facility in Tamworth, received the order in early May. After requesting our assistance, the team promptly quoted the required products.

The Solution

Through our in-house machining services, the WMH team was able to manufacture the required products. These rails were cut to length, with machine-tapped holes according to the customer's specifications. We ensured that the components were quoted, ordered, processed, and delivered within a 2-week lead time. We pride ourselves on our extensive stockholding to ensure that we can find a solution to meet your needs, whether this requires simple off-the-shelf products or something more bespoke. We also have experience across all industry sectors in understanding unique challenges and delivering detailed solutions, including more specialised solutions for applications in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

The Result

Following the supply of the fifty rails within a 2-week lead time, the manufacturer was able to continue production. We have maintained a strong relationship with the customer over several years, demonstrating our commitment to supporting and supplying the manufacturing industry with our knowledge and exceptional customer service.

Key Results

We handle small and large orders to suit every demand. Our solutions are cost-effective, bespoke, and time-sensitive. Our in-house cutting team has over 20 years of time-served experience, ensuring efficiency and quality with every cut.

WMH Rails 1 WMH Rails

IMG 7070 IMG 7071 IMG 7072